Q3 2020 bucked the traditionally slow IPO period as travel slowed, work from home and the markets were awash in liquidity resulting in the most active third quarter in the last 20 years by proceeds, and the second highest third quarter by deal numbers. Globally, YTD IPO activity accelerated, resulting in a 14% increase in total IPOs to 872, and an impressive 43% rise in proceeds of US$165.3b.
Read full articleOn 7 October 2020 the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus revised the framework relating to the issuance of temporary residence and employment permits to employees of existing and new companies of foreign interests registered in the Republic of Cyprus, as well as companies that have joined the Fast-Track Business Activation Mechanism.
Read full articleEconomic sentiment in Cyprus deteriorated slightly in November, a business survey by the Economics Research Centre of the University of Cyprus, published on Thursday, shows. A drop which is attributed to a deterioration in the construction sector confidence as well as consumer confidence.
Read full articleThe University of Nicosia pharmacy programme has added a pioneering educational tool to its teaching and learning arsenal, namely, “Lab-in-a-Box”. This mobile science laboratory has allowed the programme to continue offering its vital laboratory courses, ensuring that the practical training of its aspiring pharmacists proceeds unhampered even during a pandemic.
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