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The Bank of Cyprus has announced that it has received the Quality Recognition Award from global financial services firm JP Morgan Chase.
Cyprus’ Larnaca and Paphos airports achieved a milestone in passenger traffic during February, surpassing half a million passengers, according to the Transport Ministry.
The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) has approved Eurobank’s public offer document for the acquisition of up to 100 per cent of Hellenic Bank’s issued share capital.
Cyprus is growing as a top choice for foreign direct investment (FDI) in Europe, said Invest Cyprus CEO Marios Tannousis. Tannousis addressed an i ...
The Republic of Cyprus has temporarily suspended AstraZeneca shots for Covid-19 until an emergency meeting on Thursday by the European Medicines Agency, with reports saying Nicosia has already entered negotiations with Moscow to add another jab in the mix.
Parliament on Thursday passed two items of legislation granting tax breaks to landlords who voluntarily reduce their rents to businesses financially stricken by the coronavirus-related restrictions.
The government has decided to move ahead with the privatisation of the stock exchange, and to seek a partner exchange for it abroad, Cyprus Stock Exchange Chairman Marinos Christodoulides said in a note to the Cyprus Mail.
The installation of photovoltaic panels in 450 state schools will be completed next year with a total budget of €10 million, Environment Commissioner Kleila Vasiliou said on Thursday.
The government on Thursday launched the national digital contact tracing application – CovTracer – that alerts contacts of people who were found positive for the virus.
The UK’s second biggest tour operator Jet2holidays saw bookings for Cyprus and Greece skyrocket after the two countries announced they would be prepared to receive British tourists come May.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) on Thursday gave the single-dose Johnson & Johnson-developed coronavirus vaccine the green light as the EU seeks to speed up a stuttering inoculation campaign with Cyprus ordering 200,000 doses.