The scholarships awarded are as follows: ten of value up to 50% of the total tuition fee, to foreign students from EU countries, ten scholarships of value up to 50% of the total tuition fee, to foreign students from non-EU countries and six scholarships, of value up to 50% of the total tuition fee, to Cypriots residing abroad.
The MBA Program of the University of Cyprus offers a unique MBA learning experience and has established itself as the premier program in the region, creating leaders with vision in a dynamic global environment. This is achieved by bringing together promising individuals into a stimulating academic environment that encourages the transformation of ideas into business realities. The Program promotes the exchange of ideas through innovative teaching methods and state-of-the-art methodologies delivering individuals capable of promoting new business paradigms. The aim of the program is to enable participants to become agents of change and implant new ideas into their organizations and the broader society. Application deadline is 31st March 2014.
Source: Financial Mirror