Despite the significant decrease in imports from the United Kingdom as a result of Brexit, Cypriot exports, mainly of dairy products, have remained at the same levels, said the Deputy Secretary-General of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce Leonidas Paschalidis in an online conference organized by the Brexit Financial Media Way.
Read full articlePresident of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades is satisfied with the timetable as regards the opening of the competitive electricity market, set to operate in the fall of 2022, according to a written statement by Deputy Government Spokesperson Niovi Parisinou, following a meeting the President had Monday with Energy Minister, Εnergy System Operator Head, Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA) Board and other officials.
Read full articleAfter calls to simplify COVID travel rules within the EU, EU Ministers meeting at the General Affairs Council in Brussels agreed on Tuesday that the three main criteria for travel within the EU will be vaccination status, covid test results or recovery certificates. Freedom of movement within the EU will no longer be regulated by your country of origin.
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