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The Bank of Cyprus has announced that it has received the Quality Recognition Award from global financial services firm JP Morgan Chase.
Cyprus’ Larnaca and Paphos airports achieved a milestone in passenger traffic during February, surpassing half a million passengers, according to the Transport Ministry.
The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) has approved Eurobank’s public offer document for the acquisition of up to 100 per cent of Hellenic Bank’s issued share capital.
Cyprus is growing as a top choice for foreign direct investment (FDI) in Europe, said Invest Cyprus CEO Marios Tannousis. Tannousis addressed an i ...
The economic sentiment indicator in Cyprus improved for the ninth consecutive month, according to recent data released by the European Commission.
UK Cypriot Demis Hassabis, co-founder of an artificial intelligence company, has sold his firm to Internet giant Google for €300m (£242m).
Cyprus and Israel will be cooperating in a joint research programme that has a budget of half a million euros, the Research Promotion Foundation (RPF) has announced.
For the second time over the last couple of months, Turkey has encroached into Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), dispatching research vessels to waters south and southwest of the island.
The road to economic recovery may be long and fraught with obstacles, but there are encouraging signs that Cyprus can make it, says President Anastassiades.
The Cyprus Government, within the framework of its efforts to promote the creation of the Cyprus Science Technology Park (STP) in Limassol, has invited interested parties for an Initial Expression of Interest.
Legislation to grant a 25% discount on taxable income for labour costs to employers who hire registered unemployed was recently discussed at the House Finance Committee.
Russia’s giant Alfa Banking Group is very close to buying Bank of Cyprus’ shareholding in Ukrainian subsidiary PJSC at the price of €225 million.
State carrier Cyprus Airways has won a distinction by the Ben Gurion Airport in Israel for the accuracy as regards its departure times in 2013.
Real GDP growth for the whole of 2014 is projected at -5.4%, an improvement over the -8% rate anticipated earlier, according to the Economics Research Centre of the University of Cyprus.