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Fitch Ratings has upgraded the Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of the Bank of Cyprus (BoC) to BBB- from BB+, assigning a positive outlook.
The Deputy Ministry of Shipping is advancing plans to construct new headquarters on the site of the former ‘Nemitsas’ factory in Limassol, following recently introduced public investment procedures.
Tourist arrivals in Cyprus recorded a year-on-year increase of 7 per cent in February 2025, with an additional 32,865 visitors arriving on the island during the first two months of the year.
Cyprus is growing as a top choice for foreign direct investment (FDI) in Europe, said Invest Cyprus CEO Marios Tannousis. Tannousis addressed an i ...
The President of the Eurogroup and Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem following a meeting with Cyprus President and Finance Minister says that the group of Eurozone finance ministers would continue to support Cyprus.
A new commercial project by Cybarco, The Oval officially launched only recently, has already sold two top floors of executive office space.
The recent presentation of Cypriot Universities in Greece’s Patra and Kalamata was part of an effort to promote Cyprus as an international training centre and to attract prospective students to the island’s Greek Cypriot Universities.
Cyprus aspires to become in the long run an alternative provider of energy to meet EU needs, says the Energy Minister.
IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde has praised the Cyprus authorities for keeping rescue program implementation on track.
Cyprus abolishes maximum daily cash withdrawal limits from bank accounts, a year after imposing capital controls to prevent a bank run in light of the €10b bailout.
Telecommunications firm GO plc takes shareholding in Cypriot ‘triple play’ telecommunications company Cablenet.
Economic climate improves in Cyprus in March as the Economic Sentiment Indicator increases by 1.3 points, compared to the previous month, says the Economics Research Centre of the University of Cyprus.
Total sales of petroleum products in February 2014 recorded a decrease of 4.9%, compared to the previous month, says the Statistical Service.
The Index of Production in construction registered a decline of 31.1% for the period January-December 2013, over the corresponding period of 2012.