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Fitch Ratings has upgraded the Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of the Bank of Cyprus (BoC) to BBB- from BB+, assigning a positive outlook.
The Deputy Ministry of Shipping is advancing plans to construct new headquarters on the site of the former ‘Nemitsas’ factory in Limassol, following recently introduced public investment procedures.
Tourist arrivals in Cyprus recorded a year-on-year increase of 7 per cent in February 2025, with an additional 32,865 visitors arriving on the island during the first two months of the year.
Cyprus is growing as a top choice for foreign direct investment (FDI) in Europe, said Invest Cyprus CEO Marios Tannousis. Tannousis addressed an i ...
Cyprus Finance Ministry says the country's fiscal deficit is expected to rise to 5.8% of GDP in 2014 compared to 5.4% the year before.
Dealing with the high level of bad loans is a priority for Cyprus as it moves to restore financial sector stability, says the European Commission.
Central Government accounts show an improvement which is mainly due to a significant reduction in public spending.
Open Box Communication is proud to announce a recently acquired global certification on the ground-breaking Business Model Generation framework by Alex Osterwalder.
Cyprus is carrying out the necessary reforms of its economy with commitment, says EU Commissioner Olli Rehn, as a group set up to provide the island with technical assistance publishes it first report.
Larnaca municipality fully supports the government’s decision to give Zenon Consortium a 45 day extension to conclude a deal that will bankroll the Larnaca port and marina project, according to a recent statement.
President Nicos Anstasiades appoints Christoforos Fokaides as new Defence Minister.
Radius Oceanic Communications, Inc., and Cyta announce testing and commissioning are complete on the Poseidon submarine cable system, a fiber optic network built to serve the oil and gas and scientific markets in the East Med.
Despite expected stabilisation and minor recovery of the economy, the increase in income gap and downturn in the real estate market are likely to continue, according to the latest Cyprus Economy and Real Estate Forecast conducted by Leaf Research.
Revenue from tourism records a slight decrease of 0.5% in January 2014 compared with January 2013, according to the latest figures released by the Statistical Service.