articles | 21 March 2022

€10.2 million allocated for research projects

The Research and Innovation Foundation (Idek) on Thursday announced a new funding programme called Collaborative Development – Co-Develop, seeking to bring together Cyprus’ research community with local industry.

The programme, aimed at businesses, research organisations and other agencies, has a total budget of €10.2 million and is funded by Cyprus’ Recovery and Resilience plan.

According to a statement, among the objectives of the new programme is the utilisation of existing know-how to address specific needs and challenges in certain sectors of the economy, thus contributing to the strengthening of Cyprus’ competitiveness and quality of life.

The foundation notes that the purpose of the programme is to identify challenges, as well as the design and implementation of joint collaborative research and development projects to develop new technologies and solutions to address them.

To achieve effective cooperation, the sharing of resources and infrastructure, as well as the mobility of staff, are expected, to enable the transfer of technology and the exchange of knowledge.

The programme includes €6 million for projects involving the production of energy from renewable sources, energy efficiency, and sustainable transport; as well as €4.2 million for projects related to information and communication technologies or health sciences.

The projects are expected to be implemented by consortia consisting of at least one company and one research organisation.

Other consortia from the public and private sectors can participate in each consortium, as deemed necessary for the better implementation of the project.

The maximum funding per project is €600,000.

The deadline for submission of proposals is May 17 for the first section of projects (energy), and May 19 for the second section (IT and health science) of projects.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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